„Barbecue Crew Pitmaster“
Thomas Kuprat
Hohenloher Str. 8/1, 74547 Untermünkheim
„ Alte Wache“ Restaurant „Father& Son Company”
Klaus Nießen
Friedrich-List-Allee 80, 41844 Wegberg-Wildenrath
Schloss Miel
Fam. Hoffmeister, Restaurant Graf Belderbusch
Schlossallee 17, 53913 Swisttal
Langoskönig OG
Zoltan Fehervari
Talstr. 5/ 16, 5280 Braunau am Inn
Sixth Sense Ventures
Mark Netto
Ave Diagonal Num. 640, Planta 6, 08017 Barcelona
Juan Botella
Plaza Descubridor Diego de Ordas 4, 28005 Madrid (Metro Rios Rosas)
Would you like to be one of the proud owners who enjoy the benefits of Southern Pride Smokers?
“These smokers produce excellent barbecue and you’re able to go home and get a good night’s sleep.“
Shawn Moss – Owner, Shawn’s Smokehouse

“I’m not a barbecue guy. I’m taking a barbecue tool and using it for my healthy food business.“
Thomas Cox – Owner, mealfit

“We don’t have to babysit our smoker. Everyone else gets up in the middle of the night to prepare for Saturday’s competition. I can sleep in, start in the morning and have it ready by noon.“
Tim and Mary Olson – Owners, Spitfire Bar and Grill

“We’ve been doing our brisket for over two years and we smoke three tons a month. Each piece of brisket comes out like the first one and that’s really important for us. Consistency brings back customers.“
Jorge Guzman – Executive Chef, Surly Brewing Company

“Go with a Southern Pride… I’ve tried them all and there’s not a better smoker on the market.“
Chad Rosenthal – Chef and Owner, The Lucky Well

“The quality of the meat that comes out of a Southern Pride is phenomenal. The temperature is very consistent and the recovery time to get back to temperature after loading is very quick.“